Customer Testimonials

GEMCO Medical’s ‘high touch, quick response’ customer service model means a person will answer the phone each and every time you need assistance, and emails won’t go unanswered. We value our close personal relationships with customers and take the time to understand your unique needs so we can better help you maximize profits and overcome reimbursement challenges.

But don’t take our word for it… Take our customers! 

Partnering with GEMCO Medical has been one of the best business decisions our company has made! The quality, service, personalized attention, and willingness to accommodate is what makes GEMCO a leader in our industry. We love working with them and look forward to many more years with them!

A National Diabetes Supplier

GEMCO Medical is a pleasure to work with! They provide excellent customer service, treat us like we are their only customer and they ensure stock on the medical supplies we order.

A Minnesota-Based Hospital System

Our partnership with GEMCO stands out as an example of how business relationships should work. They help us be successful by bringing a unique combination of value added resources and dynamics.

A National Diabetes Supplier

We have been using GEMCO Medical for the past year for many of our CPAP and oxygen supplies, and they have been great to work with. Not only is their pricing very competitive but their customer service is excellent!

An Independent HME Provider, Connecticut