
Billing & HCPCS Disclaimer

GEMCO Medical has included medical billing information on this website solely as a service to our customers, and is not a guarantee of payment or coverage. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information printed herein and are not responsible for claims or liabilities that may result from the use of this information.

GEMCO Medical neither represents nor guarantees that any HCPCS information and contained herein is complete, accurate, or applicable to any specific patient or third-party payer and disclaims all liability for any consequence resulting from any reliance on such information. This information is not intended to be, nor should it be considered billing or legal advice and is subject to change without any prior notice. Suppliers are responsible for determining the appropriate billing codes, how much of a unit should be billed and final billing-related decisions when submitting claims to Medicare or other insurers and should consult an attorney or contact The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or the appropriate insurer for assistance with HCPCS codes and billing questions.

The Medical Billing Information and coverage policies are frequently revised. Please review CMS and/or insurer policies before submitting claims. No independent verification of the data is claimed or implied. Fee Schedules can be obtained through the CMS.gov website or from an insurer’s website.