Payment Options

GEMCO Medical Payment Options

Payment Options

Convenient payment options
and credit terms available.

Payment Options:

  1. Credit Terms: Standard credit terms are net 30 days from the invoice date.

  2. Credit Card: We accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express upon approval. There is no transaction fee if your credit card is used at the time of the order. A fee of 2% will be assessed if a credit card payment arrangement is made after the order has shipped.

  3. ACH CHECK: This is an electronic debit transfer from your financial institution to ours. A routing number and account number for the checking account you would like to use will be required. There is no service fee to use this option. Call a member of our Customer Care Team at (800) 733-7976 for details.

  4. Wire Transfers: Call a member of our Customer Care Team at (800) 733-7976 for details.

Click to view our TERMS AND CONDITIONS.